Lech Lecha (5764)

Drash Cards for Lech Lecha (5764)

by Marc Mangel

• Why “Lech lecha” rather than “Lech” — why “Go. Go” instead of “Go”?

• Lech implies physical movement; adding Lecha includes spiritual and intellectual engagement

• It is not enough to go to the new land, but to one must engage oneself.

• There’s a difference between knowing the path to walk and walking that path.

• The land will be revealed to Avram as he traverses it — this is the start of the covenant that is concluded at Sinai.

• Another interpretation:  Born or choose to be Jewish: Lech .  Accumulated knowledge and daily practice: Lecha — since this defines who we are spiritually

• Part of the journey for us is not just spiritual but physical and going to Israel — going to the promised land is part of the spiritual journey.  So plan to visit Israel this year