Drash Cards for Shabbat HaGadol/Tzav (5773)
by Marc Mangel
• This is the week that the Portuguese synagogue in Amsterdam finishes in the small heated building and moves into the unheated main synagogue. The small building has a donation board.
•The synagogue in Hobart, the oldest continuously operating synagogue in the southern hemisphere, has a donation board too. In 1845, 5 pounds would get you on the board; 500 pounds would get you a plaque.
• Why is this week the Big Shabbat instead of the one before Rosh HaShannah — when the entire world is judged?
• Here’s a non-traditional reason: Because at Pesach even Jews who don’t believe in God show up for the seder. They share our story of freedom even if they do not believe in anything else.
• And when we meet a Jew who is very different from us, we must follow the Rebbe’s advice and seek that person in love.
• Here is my homework for you. The Rabbis say that we should all act as if we were in Egypt. What are your slaveries?