Drash Cards for Pesach (5772)
by Marc Mangel
• Saturday Night Live sent Victoria Jackson to Times Square on Rosh HaShannah in the early 1990s and she wondered ‘where’s the ball’?
• We don’t do new year resolutions, but spend Yom Kippur on spiritual and personal improvement.
• Then comes Pesach about 185 days after Yom Kippur. Time for a check-in
• We should ask: How have we done with your Yom Kippur resolutions? What are our Egypts? How do we get the rest of the spiritual and emotional leaven out of our lives?
• Most likely we have not done as well as we had desired. What should we do now?
• In 1957, the Rebbe wrote “There is no room for hopelessness in Jewish life and no Jew should ever be given up as a lost cause”
• This applies to us too — as we climb to the next Rosh HaShannah and Yom Kippur let’s do it with renewed vigor for our goals.