Crash Cards for Tazria (5768)
by Marc Mangel
• Ch 12 is a short chapter on purification after childbirth. The verb tzaria is used elsewhere only in Beresheet Ch 1, v 11, 12)
• The classic interpretation is that motherhood is the highest and noblest occupation.
• The Rabbis ask: 1) why purification after birth and 2) why the female/male difference? They conclude that there is no good answer
• I conclude that this should be a Chok — like the red heifer — a law of procedure.
• Why a purification offering after childbirth? Women who have discussed childbirth with me say that they are not thinking about how wonderful the creation of a life is — not praising God; so the offering is a reminder.
• Why is the female time twice that of the male? Again, there is no satisfying classical answer. Jacob Milgram says that since a female child herself can become a mother, so we show apprehension and anticipation.