An Axe
by Marc Mangel
What did he feel
a balding old man
past the age of grandfather
staring down at his only son
lying on a block
ready to be sliced like
Did he cringe?
Retch in vomit of blood to come?
Did he wish to
slice his faith instead
of his son?
His son?
Did he understand at nine
the test of five thousand
years of growing?
Could he imagine that he was the
crucial meeting of space and time
to be recorded forever?
Did he see his father’s eyes?
See the tears and feel the regret?
What did he know?
When it came
and the test was over
the lesson learned
When they clutched like lovers
separated by an instant of
and the axe buried
the handle turned to black dots
in the sky
When that test was over
what did they feel?
May 1973