The Street
by Marc Mangel
The Street
Walking with the dog on a street
not so old yet so lonely
lonely and silent
in the city yet not within the
bowels of the city
burrowing through time and space
from absolute technocracy to ultimate void
When the few street lamps not burning
but shedding
metallic simulation of light are behind
the stars
beging to pop like holes
in a black crepe cover first a few then
a million tiny acid burns in the
A street amidst only the air
buried in silence so heavy that
only the wind can diffuse through
and gently rock the
falling asleep trees
sometimes playing a sweet melody on
a harpsicord of brown and green
Shadows of the street
begin to prance in
ritual extinct for centuries
beginning their dance with slowness and
ending in a lustful crescendo of form
and shape buried together
Walking the dog on a lonely street
that only knows itself as eternity
can only know
May 1973