by Marc Mangel
Tiny weeds of sand floating in from above and below
floating and landing and seeding for others to
come until they cover like a gentle and soft
snow that quietly blankets the country
at night.
Certainly better than a blizzard of sand burning
and choking and tearing the
esophagus until our mucus is like mud.
Peaceful bundles of sand so small as to be barely
seen yet each the home of a billion molecules
which probably want to be there even less
than you want them to
yet what can be done
peaceful bundles alighting everywhere in such
secrecy that until inspection they remain
slightly colored they change the face of each encounter
records once black now ting brown and
brown now browner or less brown like a
magic powder that chamelions use
And taking the sand moving the sand
is the warming wind
everywhere as it deposits the sand and
goes back for more
the wind each tree despises
and each man curses
the wind that is life and death and it is
breath but breath that chokes
for once the wind has too died the
soft sand remains