18 Years
by Marc Mangel
18 years we’ve been together
Most of it you’ve been my wife
Through all kinds of weather
18 years — the sign of life
You’ve had our children
You’ve given me courage in times of strife
18 years is truly long and what’s more
another 18 will be 2004
Who could have guessed, who could have known
that over 18 we would have grown
and be so happy with what we’ve sown
Is life mirage or is it triage?
Are we here to drink some beer or love someone dear?
18 years– we’ve lived through a war
we’ve lived through some pain
but all told I’d do it again
so let’s go for 18 more
August 1986
Context: Well, I really don’t know. Our wedding anniversary is October, but around that time in 1986, I went to London
to begin working on Antarctic krill (see my professional web page) at the invitation of my long-time friend John Beddington. And krill have been very, very good to me.