by Marc Mangel
If only I could return to six
ah what joy and gladness that would be
and have the chance to once more live
and not make the same mistakes you see
Just small mistakes, no real pains
No abominable tortures to mar my way
just simple little slicks in my path
that quietly and surely slowed my gains
Once more to breath the air of being
six and young and free
to reach the wind that plays delicately
upon each and every tree
Or too indeed play delicately with soft
locks of my first love
I wonder how and where and why she is not
and if she, my slender dove,
does too wish for a return to six (I truly doubt it)
To return to uninhibited discovery
and reckless adventure through worlds unknown
discovery so pure that its joy
reaps the harvest of a field freshly sown
Ah to return to six and to grow once more
Through those pains and nonpains of
what we calla adolescence– or perhaps one big sore
Perhaps not proper to mention here,
but that first erection was indeed a surprise
in the midst of a birthday
to begin to rise and—
we’d best not go on in detail
Or indeed that first shave in itself
the measure of a boy’s manliness
that is only a tiny little elf
And first dates and driving, all those
too are nice
but still, still I’d rather pick
the cracking of the ice
those years between six and ten
not the wonder years but rather
the wondrous years
And when I’m sixty, perhaps more withered,
perhaps already rotted
No doubt I’ll still yearn for six
for joyous six for sumptuous six for
free six for sick six for small and big six
for all that six is or was or
truly might have been
for in this life only one thing is forbidden
and that is the return to
May 1973